Brunkwall Aortic Workshop

Post date: Oct 21, 2017 10:58:47 AM

Prof. Jan Brunkwall, Chief of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery in Cologne University, Germany, is visiting Kasr Alainy on 25. & 26. of October participating in a workshop organized by Prof. Mohamed Sharkawy, Prof. Of Vascular Surgery in Cairo University. During his visit he will give lectures about the controversies in aortic endografting. Challenging cases will be presented to him to discuss the contemporary treatment options. Egyptian researches are submitting reaerch proposals, and the winning proposals will be studied as co-research with Cologne University and sponsored as a grant organized by Prof. mohamed Sharkawy. The workshop will be held in the Learning Resource center (LRC) on 25. & 26. of October 8:30 am -1:30 pm.